2017, no. 199-200, p. 35-44

Original scientific paper
UDK/DOI: 631.445.4(497.113 Mužlja)

Forest Types in Management Unit Muzljanski Rit

Galić Zoran 1, Radenko Ponjarac 2, Alen Kiš 3, Zoran Novčić 1,  Sreten Vasić 1

1 University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment
2 Public Enterprise "Vojvodinasume"
3 Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province

e-mail: galicz@uns.ac.rs


The paper analyse the spatial distribution of different soil systematic units, tree species and forest types. The most common soil type is riparian black soil (66.41%), the most common tree species is Populus x euramericana cl. I-214. Gleyic soil covered 12,79% of total area. In MU Muzljanski rit has recorded six forest types. Most common forest type is ash and pedunculate oak forest on riparian black soil.

Keywords: Mužlјanski rit, forest types, riparian black soil, pedunculate oak