Project funded by European Union
Project title: Improving Floodplain Forest Management along the Danube in the HU-SRB-CBC area – SafeForest
Programme: IPA HUSRB/1903/11/0070
Start date: 01.10.2019
End date: 31.03.2022
Total budget: 354.121,61 EUR
EU contribution: 301.003,36 EUR
Own contribution: 11.955,00 EUR
Flood risk of the region is one of the highest in Europe. Due to climate change, the frequency and magnitude of floods is expected to increase in the future.
Number of forest management activities within forests and water habitats of the floodplain areas along Danube are significantly affected by water level and flooding events. Planning of business operations in the flood-prone areas (reforestation, logging, game management) and activities of public interest (nature-based tourism, such as hunting and fishing) in those circumstances depends on understanding both the water dynamics and local constrains or opportunities associated with the water events.
The project’s main objective is to achieve a significant increase of disaster response capability related to the risk of disasters from floods in the HU SRB CBR and to provide a solution which makes possible to develop and maintain a system for efficient forecasts and warnings related to the inundation forests. The project will be conducted across two floodplain areas in HU (between the rkm 1433-1560) and SRB (Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit) situated along the Danube, within UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube. A total forest area of 2614(HU)+1079(SRB)=3693 ha will be covered.
Based on digital terrain model obtained through LiDAR survey, and periodical records of water level and its dynamic, flooding model will be developed in the form of web platform intended for the end users for timely planning of activities within forests of the studied areas, such as reforestation, silviculture, logging, game protection, etc. Establishing of web portal based on early warning system on flooding and water dynamics will enable timely activities such as timber storage fixation, evacuation, forest utilization, wild game evacuation, habitat management planning etc.
Additionally, a study on possibilities for the development of a forecast and alert system will be conducted in order to improve forest management activities in pilot area.