COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology
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COST action FP0703: Expected climate change and option for European silviculture (ECHOES) 2008 2012 -
COST action E52: Evaluation of beech genetic resources for sustainable forestry 2006 2010 -
COST action E47: European network for vegetation management: towards environmental sustainability 2005 2009 -
COST action E42: Growing valuable broadleaved tree species (ValBro) 2004 2008 -
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany
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Science and Power in Reforms of State Forest Organizations in Eastern Europe 2021 2024 -
CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Program for University Studies
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Managing forests for climate change 2019 2024 -
EUFORGEN - European Forest Genetic Resources Programme
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EUFORGEN: Scattered broadleaves network 2000 2019 -
EUFORGEN: Stand forming broadleaves network 2000 2019 -
FOPER - Forest Policy and Economics Education and Research project
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Consolidation of the human capacities in forest policy and economics education and research in the South-East Europe region (FOPER-II, 2009-2013, financed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and coordinated by the European Forest Institute (EFI) 2009 2013 -
FP7 - EU 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
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FP7-REGIONS-2009-1: Sustainable forest management providing renewable energy, sustainable construction and bio-based products (RoK-FoR) 2010 2013 2.291.642,88 (EUR)
FP7-REGPOT-2007-3: Strengthening of research capacity for poplar and willow multipurpose plantation growing in Serbia (STREPOW) 2008 2011 550.348,89 (EUR)