COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology
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COST action CA15223: Modifying plants to produce interfering RNA (iPLANTA) 2016 2020 -
COST Action CA15226: Climate-smart forestry in mountain regions (CLIMO) 2016 2020 -
COST action FP1406: Pine pitch canker: strategies for management of Gibberella circinata in greenhouses and forests (PINESTRENGTH) 2015 2019 -
COST action FP1304: Towards robust projections of European forests under climate change (PROFOUND) 2014 2018 -
COST action ES1308: Climate change manipulation experiments in terrestrial ecosystems: networking and outreach (ClimMani) 2014 2018 -
COST action FP1305: Linking belowground biodiversity and ecosystem function in European forests (BioLink) 2014 2018 -
COST action FP1401: A global network of nurseries as early warning system against alien tree pests (Global warning) 2014 2018 -
COST action FP1403: Non-native tree species for European forests-experiences, risks and opportunities (NNEXT) 2014 2018 -
COST action TN1401: Capacity Building in Forest Policy and Governance in Western-Balkans Region (CAPABAL) 2014 2018 -
COST action FP1204: Green infrastructure approach: linking environmental with social aspects in studying and managing urban forests (GreenInUrbs) 2013 2017 -
COST action FP1206: European mixed forests-integrating scientific knowledge in sustainable forest management (EuMIXFOR) 2013 2017 -
COST action TD1209: European information system for alien species (ALIEN challenge) 2013 2017 -
COST action ES1203: Enhancing the resilience capacity of SENSitive mountain FORest ecosystems under environmental change (SENSFOR) 2012 2016 -
COST action FP1106: Studying tree responses to extreme events: a synthesis (STReSS) 2012 2016 -
COST action FP1201: Forest land ownership changes in Europe: significance for management and policy (FACESMAP) 2012 2016 -
COST action FP1202: Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation of marginal/peripheral populations of forest trees to climate change in Europe (MaP-FGR) 2012 2016 -
COST action FP1102: Determining invasiveness and risk of Dothistroma (DIAROD) 2011 2015 -
COST action FP0905: Biosafety of forest transgenic trees: improving the scientific basis for safe tree development and implementation of EU policy directives 2010 2014 -
COST action FP1002: Pathway evaluation and pest risk management in transport (PERMIT) 2010 2014 -
COST action FP0903: Climate change and forest mitigation and adaptation in a polluted environment (MAFor) 2009 2013 -