Dr Srđan Stojnić je diplomirao i doktorirao na Šumarskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Od 2008. godine zaposlen je na Institutu za nizijsko šumarstvo i životnu sredinu. Od 2014. godine angažovan je na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, na izvođenju nastave na doktorskim studijama (studijski program Agronomija, modul Šumarstvo).
Pored studija, stručno usavršavanje je obavljao kroz boravke u naučnim institucijama izvan Srbije:
[2012] CzechGlobe - Global Change Research Center CAS (Brno, Češka Republika),
[2012] EFIATLANTIC - Atlantic European Regional Office of the European Forest Institute (Bordo, Francuska),
[2013] Wageningen University (Vageningen, Holandija),
[2014] Mendel University, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology (Brno, Češka Republika),
[2014] University of Bordeaux, Department of Sciences (Bordo, Francuska),
[2015] Institute of Forest Ecology - Slovak Acadеmy of Sciences (Zvolen, Slovačka),
[2015] Mendel University, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology (Brno, Češka Republika),
[2016] Slovenian Forestry Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenija),
[2017] University of Molise, Department of Biosciences and Territory (Kampobaso, Italija),
[2017] Univerzitet u Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet (Zagreb, Hrvatska),
[2018] Institute of Forest Ecology - Slovak Acadеmy of Sciences (Zvolen, Slovačka),
[2018] Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems (Atina, Grčka).
Glavni je urednik časopisa „Topola“, zamenik glavnog urednika časopisa „South-East European Forestry (SEEFOR)“ i član tematskog uredništva časopisa „Nature Conservation“. Bio je gostujući urednik u časopisima „Journal of Forestry Research“, „Forests“ i „Frontiers in Plant Science“.
Učestvuje u realizaciji većeg broja međunarodnih i nacionalnih projekata.
Hu, Y., Sperotto, R.A., Koubouris, G., Stojnić, S., Bellaloui, N. (2023). Tree ecophysiology in the context of climate change. Journal of Forestry Research 34, 1-5.
Petrik, P., Petek-Petrik, A., Konôpková, A., Fleischer, P., Stojnic, S., Zavadilova, I., Kurjak, D. (2023). Seasonality of PSII thermostability and water use efficiency of in situ mountainous Norway spruce (Picea abies). Journal of Forestry Research 34,197-208.
Kebert, M., Kostić, S., Stojnić, S., Čapelja, E., Gavranović Markić, A., Zorić, M., Kesić, L., Flors, V. (2023). A fine-tuning of the plant hormones, polyamines and osmolytes by ectomycorrhizal fungi enhances drought tolerance in pedunculate oak. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, 7510.
Stojnić, S., Viscosi, V., Marković, M., Ivanković, M., Orlović, S., Tognetti, R., Cocozza, C., Vasić, V., Loy, A. (2022). Spatial patterns of leaf shape variation in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances. Trees 36, 497-511.
Stojnić, S., Kovačević, B., Kebert, M., Vasić, V., Vuksanović, V., Trudić, B., Orlović, S. (2022). Genetic differentiation in functional traits among Wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) half-sib lines. Journal of Forestry Research 33, 991-1003.
Stanković Neđić, M., Župunski, M., Orlović, S., Kovačević, B., Kebert, M., Vaštag, E., Miljković, D., Gutalj, M., Gavranović Markić, A., Stojnić, S. (2022). Assessment of the phenotypic diversity of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) populations and halfsib lines by multivariate statistical analyses. Silvae Genetica 71, 116-127.
Kebert, M., Kostić, S., Zlatković, M., Stojnić, S., Čapelja, E., Zorić, M., Kiprovski, B., Budakov, D., Orlović, S. (2022). Ectomycorrhizal fungi modulate biochemical response against powdery mildew disease in Quercus robur L. Forests 13, 1491.
Kebert, M., Kostić, S., Čapelja, E., Vuksanović, V., Stojnić, S., Gavranović Markić, A., Zlatković, M., Milović, M., Galović, V., Orlović, S. (2022). Ectomycorrhizal fungi modulate pedunculate oak’s heat stress responses through the alternation of polyamines, phenolics, and osmotica content. Plants 11, 3360.
Vuksanović, V., Kovačević, B., Stojnić, S., Kebert, M., Kesić, L., Galović, V., Orlović, S. (2022). Variability of tolerance of Wild cherry to PEG-induced osmotic stress in vitro. iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry 15, 265-272.
Oettel, J., Braun, M., Sallmannshofer, M., de Groot, M., Schueler, S., Virgillito, C., Westergren, M., Božič, G., Nagy, L., Stojnić,S., Lapin, K. (2022). River distance, stand basal area, and climatic conditions are the main drivers influencing lying deadwood in riparian forests. Forest Ecology and Management 520, 120415.
Alizoti, P., Bastien, J., Chakraborty, D., Klisz, M., Kroon, J., Neophytou, C., Schueler, S., van Loo, M., Westergren, M., Konnert, M., Andonovski, V., Andreassen, K., Brang, P., Brus, R., Carlsson, B., Cvjetković, B., Đodan, M., Fernández, M., Frydl, J., Keserű, Z., Kormutak, A., Lavny, V., Maaten, T., Matti, R., Mason, B., Mihai, G., Monteverdi, C., Perić, S., Petkova, K., Popov, E., Stojnić, S., Tsvetkov, I. (2022). Non-native forest tree species in Europe: the question of seed origin in afforestation. Forests 13, 273.
Vasic, V., Hajnal-Jafari, T., Djuric, S., Kovacevic, B., Stojnic, S., Vasic, S., Galovic, V., Orlovic, S. (2022). Effect of herbicide clopyralid and imazamox on dehydrogenase enzyme in soil of regenerated pedunculate oak forests. Forests 13(6):926.
De Groot, M., Schueler, S., Sallmannshofer, M., Virgillito, C., Kovacs, G., Cech, T., Božić, G., Damjanić, R., Ogris, N., Hoch, G., Kavčić, A., Koltay, A., Lanšćak, M., Vujnović, Z., Lukić, I., Nagy, L., Novak Agbaba, S., Orlović, S., Poljaković-Pajnik, L., Stojnić, S., Westergren, M., Zlatković, M., Steinkellner, M., Szamosvari, E., Lapin, K. (2022). Forest management, site characteristics and climate change affect multiple biotic threats in riparian forests. Forest Ecology and Management 508, 120041.
Kesić, L., Cseke, K., Orlovic, S., Stojanović, D.B., Kostić, S., Attila, B., Attila, B., Stojnic, S., Avramidou, E.V. (2021). Genetic diversity and differentiation of Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) populations at the southern margin of its distribution range – implications for conservation. Diversity 13, 371.
Sedlar, T., Šefc, B., Stojnić, S., Sinković, T. (2021). Wood quality characterization of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and its utilization in wood products industries. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 42(3), 543-560.
Kostić, S., Kesić, L., Matović, B., Orlović, S., Stojnić, S., Stojanović, D.B. (2021). Soil properties are significant modifiers of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) radial increment variations and their sensitivity to drought. Dendrochronologia 67, 125838.
Trudic, B., Avramidou, E., Fussi, B., Neophytou, C., Stojnic, S., Pilipovic, A. (2021). Conservation of Quercus robur L. genetic resources in its south-eastern refugium using SSR marker system – a case study from Vojvodina province, Serbia. Austrian Journal of Forest Science 138(2), 117-140.
Lapin, K., Bacher, S., Cech, T., Damjanić, R., Essl, F., Georges, F-I., Hoch, G., Kavčič, A., Koltay, A., Kostić, S., Lukić, I., Marinšek, A., Nagy, L., Agbaba, S.N., Oettel, J., Orlović, S., Poljaković-Pajnik, L., Sallmannshofer, M., Steinkellner, M., Stojnic,S., Westergren, M., Zlatkovic, M., Zolles, A., de Groot, M. (2021). Comparing environmental impacts of alien plants, insects and pathogens in protected riparian forests. NeoBiota 69, 1-28.
Wilfahrt, P.A., Schweiger, A.H., Abrantes, N., Arfin-Khan, M.A.S., Bahn, M., Berauer, B.J., Bierbaumer, M., Djukic, I., Van Dusseldorp, M., Eibes, P., Estiarte, M., Von Hessberg, A., Holub, P., Ingrisch, J., Kappel Schmidt, I., Kesic, L., Klem, K., Kröel -Dulay, G., Larsen, K.S., Lõhmus, K., Mänd, P., Orban, I., Orlovic, S., Penuelas, J., David Reinthaler, D., Radujkovic, D., Schuchardt, M., Schweiger, J.M-I., Stojnic, S., Tietema, A., Urban, O., Vicca, S., Jentsch, A. (2021). Disentangling climate from soil nutrient effects on plant biomass production using a multispecies phytometer. Ecosphere 12(8), e03719.
Tóth, E.Gy., Köbölkuti, Z.A., Cseke, K., Kámpel, J.D.,Takács, R., Tomov, V.T., Ábrán, P., Stojnic, S., Vastag, E., Mataruga, M., Danicic, V., Tahikuraj, E., Zhalev, P., Orlovic, S., Benke, A., Borovics, A. (2021). A genomic data set of single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) generated by ddRAD tag sequencing in Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl. populations from Central-Eastern Europe and Balkan Peninsula. Annals of Forest Science 78, 43. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-021-01051-6
Vuletić, D., Krajter Ostoić, S., Báliková, K., Avdibegović, M., Potočki, K., Pezdevšek Malovrh, Š., Posavec, S., Stojnić, S., Paletto, A. (2021). Stakeholders' opinions towards water related forests ecosystem services in selected South East European Countries (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia). Sustainability 13, 12001. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132112001
De Dato, G.D., Teani, A., Mattioni, C., Aravanopoulos, F.A., Avramidou, E.V., Stojnic, S., Ganopoulos, I., Belletti, P., Ducci, F. (2020). Genetic analysis by nuSSR markers of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) populations in their southern European distribution range. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 310. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00310
Vastag, E., Cocozza, C., Orlović, S., Kesić, L., Kresoja, M., Stojnić, S. (2020). Half-sib lines of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) respond differently to drought through biometrical, anatomical and physiological traits. Forests 11, 153. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/f11020153
Vastag, E., Orlović, S., Konôpková, A., Kurjak, D., Pšidová, E., Lapin, K., Kesić, L., Stojnić, S. (2020). Better physiological performance of Magnolia grandiflora L. in comparation to Magnolia x soulangeana in urban environment under severe drought condition. iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry 13(6): 575-583
Konôpková, A., Pšidová, E., Kurjak, D., Stojnić, S., Petrík, P., Fleischer, P., Kučerová, J., Ježík, M., Petek, A., Gömöry, D.,Kmeť, J., Longauer, R., Ditmarová, L. (2020). Photosynthetic performance of silver fir (Abies alba) of different origins under suboptimal growing conditions. Functional Plant Biology 47(11): 1007-1018.
Báliková, K., Červená, T., De Meo, I., De Vreese, R., Deniz, T., El Mokaddem, A., Kayacan, B., Larabi, F., Libiete, Z., Lyubenova, M., Pezdevšek Malovrh, Š., Potočki, K., Pelyukh, O., Rugani, B., Sarvasova, Z., Šálka, J., Stevanov, M., Stojnic, S., Jarský, V., Vuletić, D., Zahvoyska, L., Paletto, A. (2020). How do stakeholders working on the forest-water nexus perceive payments for ecosystem services? Forests, 11, 12. doi: 10.3390/f11010012.
Pilipović, A., Drekić, M., Stojnić, S., Nikolić, N., Trudić, B., Katanić, M., Poljaković-Pajnik, L., Borišev, M., Orlović, S. (2020). Physiological responses of two pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) families to combined stress conditions - drought and herbivore attack. Šumarski list 11-12: 573-583.
Stojnić, S., Kovačević, B., Kebert, M., Vaštag, E., Bojović, M., Stanković-Neđić, M., Orlović, S. (2019). The use of physiological, biochemical and morpho-anatomical traits in tree breeding for improved water-use efficiency of Quercus robur L. Forest Systems 28(3): e017. doi: https://doi.org/10.5424/fs/2019283-15233
Stojnić, S., Avramidou, V.E., Fussi, B., Westergren, M., Orlović, S., Matović, B., Trudić, B., Kraigher, H., Aravanopoulos, F.A., Konnert, M. (2019). Assessment of genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) at its southern lineage in Europe. Implications for conservation of forest genetic resources. Forests 10, 258. doi: 10.3390/f10030258
Stojnić, S., Orlović, S., Pilipović, A. (2019). Ex situ conservation of forest genetic resources in Serbia. In: Šijačić-Nikolić M., Milovanović J., Nonić M. (eds). Forests of Southeast Europe under a changing climate. Advances in Global Change Research, vol 65. Springer, Cham. pp. 227-237.
Vastag, E., Kovačević, B., Orlović, S., Kesić, L., Bojović, M., Stojnić, S. (2019). Leaf stomatal traits variation within and among fourteen European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances. Genetika 51, 937-959.
Miljković, D., Stefanović, M., Orlović, S., Stanković-Neđić, M., Kesić, L., Stojnić, S. (2019). Wild cherry (Prunus avium (L.) L.) leaf shape and size variations in natural populations at different elevations. Alpine Botany 129, 163-174.
Sedlar, T., Sinković, T., Perić, I., Jarc, A., Stojnić, S., Šefc, B. (2019). Hardness of thermally modified beech wood and hornbeam wood. Šumarski list 9-10, 425-433.
Pšidová, E., Živčák, M., Stojnić, S., Orlović, S., Gömöry, D., Kučerová, J., Ditmarová, L., Střelcová, K., Brestič, M., Kalaji, H.M. (2018). Altitude of origin influences the responses of PSII photochemistry to heat waves in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany 152, 97-106.
Stojnić, S., Suchocka, M., Benito-Garzón, M., Torres-Ruiz, J.M., Cochard, H., Bolte, A., Cocozza, C., Cvjetković, B., de Luis, M., Martinez-Vilalta, J., Ræbild, A., Tognetti, R., Delzon, S. (2018). Variation in xylem vulnerability to embolism in European beech from geographically marginal populations. Tree Physiology 38, 173-185.
Bojović, M., Nikolić, N., Borišev, M., Pajević, S., Župunski, M., Horák, R., Pilipović, A., Orlović, S., Stojnić, S. (2017). The diurnal time course of leaf gas exchange parameters of pedunculate oak seedlings subjected to experimental drought conditions. Baltic Forestry 23, 584-594.
Stojnić, S., Orlović, S., Miljković, D., von Wuehlisch, G. (2016). Intra- and inter-provenance variation of leaf morphometric traits in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances. Archives of Biological Sciences 68, 781-788.
Stojnić, S., Pekeč, S., Kebert, M., Pilipović, A., Stojanović, D., Stojanović, M., Orlović, S. (2016). Drought effects on physiology and biochemistry of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) saplings grown in urban area of Novi Sad, Serbia. South-East European Forestry 7, 57-63.
Fady, B., Aravanopoulos, F.A., Alizoti, P., Mátyás, C., von Wühlisch, G., Westergren, M., Belletti, P., Cvjetkovic, B., Ducci, F., Huber, G., Kelleher, C.T., Khaldi, A., Bou Dagher Kharrat, M., Kraigher, H.,Kramer, K., Mühlethaler, U., Peric, S., Perry, A., Rousi, M., Sbay, H., Stojnic, S., Tijardovic, M., Tsvetkov, I., Varela, M.C., Vendramin, G.G., Zlatanov, T. (2016). Evolution-based approach needed for the conservation and silviculture of peripheral forest tree populations. Forest Ecology and Management 375, 66-75.
Stojnić, S., Orlović, S., Miljković, D., Galić, Z., Kebert, M., von Wuehlisch, G. (2015). Provenance plasticity of European beech leaf traits under differing environmental conditions at two Serbian common garden sites. European Journal of Forest Research 134, 1109-1125.
Stojnić, S., Orlović, S., Trudić, B., Živković, U., von Wuehlisch, G., Miljković, D. (2015). Phenotypic plasticity of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stomatal features under water deficit assessed in provenance trial. Dendrobiology 73, 163-173.
Stojnić, S., Orlović, S., Ballian, D., Ivanković, M., Šijačić-Nikolić, M., Pilipović, A., Bogdan, S., Kvesić, S., Mataruga, M., Daničić, V., Cvjetković, B., Miljković, D., von Wuehlisch, G. (2015). Provenance by site interaction and stability analysis of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) provenances grown in common garden experiments. Silvae Genetica 64, 133-147.
Stojanović, D.B., Matović, B., Orlović, S., Kržič, A., Trudić, B., Galić, Z., Stojnić, S., Pekeč, S. (2014). Future of the main important forest tree species in Serbia from the climate change perspective. South-East European Forestry 5, 117-124.
Orlović, S., Stojnić, S., Pilipović, A., Pekeč, S., Mataruga, M., Cvjetković, B., Miljković, D. (2014). Variation in leaf photosynthetic traits of Wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) families in a nursery trial. Šumarski list 7-8, 381-386.
Pap, P., Stojnić, S., Nikolić, N., Orlović, S., Marković, M., Vasić, V., Stevanov, M. (2014). Impact of Erysiphe alphitoides (Griffon & Maubl.) U. Braun & S. Takam. on leaf physiological parameters in Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) saplings. Baltic Forestry 20, 2-9.
Stojanovic, D.B., Krzic, A., Matovic, B., Orlovic, S., Duputie, A., Djurdjevic, V., Galic, Z., Stojnic, S. (2013). Prediction of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) xeric limit using a regional climate model: An example from southeast Europe. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 176, 94-103.
Stojnic, S., Sass-Klaassen, U., Orlovic, S., Matovic, B., Eilmann, B. (2013). Plastic growth response of European beech provenances to dry site conditions. IAWA Journal 34, 475-484.
Štajner, D., Orlović, S., Popović, B., Kebert, M., Stojnić, S., Klašnja, B. (2013). Chemical parameters of oxidative stress adaptability in beech. Journal of Chemistry, DOI:10.1155/2013/592695.
Stojnić, S., Orlović, S., Pilipović, A., Vilotić, D., Šijačić-Nikolić, M., Miljković, D. (2012). Variation in leaf physiology among three provenances of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in provenance trial in Serbia. Genetika 44, 341-353.