2017, no. 199-200, p. 21-34

Preliminary report
UDK/DOI: 574:712(497.113 Zrenjanin)

Urban Green Spaces: Dendroflora in Designed City Parks on the Example of Zrenjanin (Serbia)

Dejan Kevrešan 1, Mirjana Stevanov 2

1 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture
2 University of Novi Sad, Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment

e-mail: dejan_kevresan@yahoo.com


Dendroflora as part of biodiversity is very important, both in natural environments and in designated urban areas. Based on the researches done abroad, a similar research was also set up for the parks of the city of Zrenjanin. In order to determine the level of biodiversity development, a field study of dendroflora was performed and its numerous state was determined. Zrenjanin parks have 97 different species of which 44 are indigenous, 46 are introduced and 7 are hybrid. Most plants are not indigenous, but introduced (45.4% indigenous, 54.6% intruders), which can harm biodiversity.

Keywords: Parks of the city of Zrenjanin, dendroflora, indigenous and introduced species